
Observation, Analysis, Forecasting ...


Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that which is like onto itself is drawn.
This law applies to everything that exists in the universe from tangible things like objects, people, and situations to intangible things like thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
This is why people experience phenomenons like a lucky streak or a downward spiral.
It is no coincidence that when things get good, it gets better. And when things get worse, it gets way worse.
Because these phenomenons can all be explained using the Law of Attraction.
It all comes down to your energy. Your energy is constantly attracting situations, events, and experiences that are a direct match for your energy.
By applying the Law of Attraction to your own life, you will have absolute clarity over why situations occur the way they do and more importantly, what you can do to shift your energy and change the outcomes you receive.
