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Day and year number calculation

Personal day

Personal day describes the trends and influences that affect us personally on this day.
The number of Personal day is determined by summing up the day and month of birth, the current calendar day, month and year.
First we add up all the numbers of the day of birth and the month of birth , and then we reduce the sum to a single digit. Then we sum up the numbers of the current day, month and year and again reduce the sum to a single digit. Finally, we add both sums and then subtract the total (if necessary) until we get a single digit number (or prime number 11 or 22).

Personal year

Everyone can calculate the personal number of the annual cycle and find out what to pay attention to in a certain year. There are nine epicycles that portend certain lessons and opportunities for each period.
The personal number of the year is determined as follows, it is necessary to add the numbers of the date and month of your birth and add the number of the desired year to the received sum.

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Source of information: astronumero.org, other