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Psychomatrix and Pythagorean Square. Detailed description

The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras studied secret knowledge from Egyptian priests for a long time. In West Africa, in the Dogon tribe, fragments of the teachings of a previous civilization were preserved - perhaps from Atlantis, or perhaps nature itself encoded genetic information in numbers. Genes, under strong magnification, resemble spiral chains: And they are very similar to the ancient Hebrew writings, which were written thousands of years ago to testify about the immortality of the soul.

In Egypt, Pythagoras studied and later brought to Europe digital matrices, which were previously known only to a narrow circle of the chosen ones. In an adapted version, these secret tables have reached our days, and now they are studied by psychics, magicians and mystics, this is the so-called "Cosmic Code".

All people receive their number from birth, which is a certain characteristic of the personality. Using the algorithm, you can calculate your numbers and you will find out what is laid in you by nature.

Square of Pythagoras. The fold with the rules of calculation, the date of birth, is translated into a certain system of a sequence of numbers that are written in a square, and the combinations determine the characteristics inherent in a person. Each cell of the square describes certain characteristics, which are resolved in detail by the number of digits.

1 - character 4 - health 7 - luck purpose
(SUM n.r.)
2 - energy 5 - logic 8 - duty family
(SUM n.r.)
3 - interests 6 - labor 9 - memory habits
(SUM n.r.)
(SUM n.c.)
(SUM n.c.)
(SUM n.c.)
(diagonal 1-9) /
(diagonal 3-7)

The number 1 in the square of Pythagoras is all about the character of a person, his willpower, the strength of his desire for power, the ability to defend his own beliefs.

The Pythagorean number 2 represents human energy. It is necessary to understand that energy in this case is a person's behavior in the family, at work and in society. The energy of Number 2 is not exactly identical to the known energy of your body, which in acupuncture is called the Chi of the meridians. We call a person "energetic" if he can visualize a goal, find ways to achieve it and move forward to achieve it according to his own plan. Those who have energy are able to do not very pleasant, but necessary things. The energy of Number 2 characterizes compatibility through energetic contact. One evaluates the other through energetic contact. A transition from "22" to "4" is possible. This transition explains the fact that physically perfect and beautiful people always attract attention to themselves - their contact energy (number 2) comes from their healthy body, and if they are not aggressive, but quiet and kind, they can attract others with their brilliance. external energy. Since ancient times, people have tried to enhance this energy. For this, many ancient teachings were created, such as qigong, yoga and others. Every person feels the need to receive this energy. Questions of vampirism and donation always relate to the energy number 2. Is it possible to distinguish between human vampires and human donors? There is no one who perfectly represents either of the two. Because at certain moments of life, every person can behave like a vampire (sickness, fatigue, hunger, pain, fear, anger) and like a donor (helping others, after eating, in a good mood). We need to understand vampirism and donation from each person's perspective. It is necessary to understand that in any conversation one person takes the position of a donor, then another - a vampire. How to determine who is who, because the roles can change at any moment. Very easy. The one who plays the role of the donor starts talking about the interests of the other. The one who is in the center of the topic of conversation (or touches his own interests) becomes a vampire. Protection is very simple: you have to start talking about yourself, the "vampire" will definitely lose any interest in you. If you want to continue the conversation, you should talk about your interlocutor, about his problems - in this case, he gets energy and will always be ready to support the conversation. Any person can get energy from food, drink, air, communication, intimacy, qigong exercises, yoga. Especially active influx of energy - wine and drugs, that is why they are so attractive to people, but they depress and kill your body.

The number 3 in the square of Pythagoras is responsible for interest in the sciences and, above all, in the exact sciences or technology. Never forget that 3 is contained in several rows when you are going to evaluate this number in the Pythagorean square, namely the column (1, 2, 3), the ascending diagonal (3, 5, 7) and the 3d row (3 , 6 , 9). This is very important to know and remember when determining the influence of the number 3.

The fact is that not everyone can clearly reveal themselves in science. This requires a certain set of numbers: 22, 55, 9 (or more), 33 (and more), if we are talking about an exact science. But if a person is interested in the humanities, then the presence of a number is optional, and the number of numbers should not be divisible by 2.

For a person who does not have either a 5 or a 9, doing science becomes a problematic situation, due to the influence on his interests, the reason is that the number 3 is responsible for the interests of the person as a whole. So, to decide what this percentage is made up of, it is necessary to determine which line currently owns 3.

Column (1, 2, 3) is responsible for a person's self-esteem. If the number 3 belongs to the first column, special attention is paid to a person's self-esteem, it usually becomes overestimated and manifests itself in the attitude towards other people. Such people believe that those around them are stupider than them, they seek to understand the matter, even without having enough knowledge and experience in the matter of the dispute. The trouble with a person is that he has nothing to offer, but seeks to give advice to others (such people have a set of numbers "2", or "2-none", or "222", "5- none", 9), but even with more of these numbers, such people do not develop due to laziness.

Ascending diagonal (3, 5, 7) - carnal, financial interests, sex. If the number 3 belongs to this line, a person begins to be actively interested in intimate life and money (the first, as a rule, is stronger, because earning money is associated with work). The endless change of sexual partners indicates the absorption of the number 3 by this line.

The line (3, 6, 9) is responsible for the stability of a person. If the number 3 belongs to this line, then a person "acquires" habits that become literally very important for him, there are many possible important traditions and rituals that a person surrounds himself with, and most importantly, he requires the fulfillment of these habits and rituals from others. . As a rule, if these people have authority, they try to establish a list of rituals for others.

The number 4 in the square of Pythagoras is responsible for a person's health, and we could stop there, but the problem of health, as a rule, only worries us when trouble or illness occurs. Is it possible, using only the date of birth, to say more about the state of health than: "weak", "normal" or "strong"? The number 4 does not allow you to determine the health of a particular organism or identify a person's illness. The number 4 is responsible for the human body, but this characteristic is more interesting than the state of health, since with the presence of the number 4 in the Pythagorean square, you can (without seeing and knowing nothing about the person) imagine what kind of person it is. he looks so attractive, physically strong. The problem of health requires special attention, since the number 4 is included in the following lines: the 1st line (1, 4, 7) is a person's purposefulness and the 2nd column (4, 5, 6) is a person's financial support. family. You can say for sure: how healthy a person is, whether he is able to set goals and feed his own family. Evaluating a person's health by the number of 4, it is necessary to make a comparison with the real situation. If you observe a very sick person who cannot solve the problems associated with this disease, you must find the causes of his disease (sorry, but this is a medical problem).

The number 5 in the square of Pythagoras is responsible for human logic and intuition, which determines a person's ability to plan and analyze situations, understand exact sciences and technology. These are the direct characteristics of the number 5, but there are also indirect characteristics that are related to the central position in the Pythagorean square, and as a result it belongs to the four lines that can possess the number and include it in its characteristics. 2nd column (4, 5, 6) – family maintenance, 2nd row (2, 5, 8) – quality of a family man, carnal diagonal (3, 5, 7) – carnal interests, intimate life, spiritual diagonal (1, 5,9) is the spiritual (divine) life of a person. Intuition (the ability to anticipate things or events) cannot be developed, because it is given from birth or a person simply does not use it. Logic is a person's ability to compose logical (sequential) parts of reasoning that will lead to a correct decision. Very often we attribute logical actions to those people who do not have "5" in the Pythagorean square, but at the same time there are many "9" (two or more). The fact is that remembering a large number of possible situations, a person with a strong memory in similar situations tries to remember what he has already done before, and explains this decision as the most logical. You could say that having a "99" in the square of Pythagoras would add another "5". The same story about the number 5, with strong logic, a person remembers individual parts and remembers a whole episode, which greatly increases memory, so we can say that the presence of "55" in the Pythagorean square gives an additional "9". So here is one of the number transitions - "55" gives "9" and "99" gives "5". The rarity of strong logic is a consequence of the fact that the number 5 belongs to the lines that are responsible for the preservation of the family, the quality of the family member and the carnal diagonal (intimate life), sometimes it is the spiritual diagonal, when a person becomes a fanatic. People who have two or more 5s in the Pythagorean square become a little boring because their reasoning is broken down into a set of steps that sometimes starts with a long preamble, which is not pleasant at all, especially for those who do not have a 5. When choosing a partner for marriage, it is necessary to look at the difference in the number of the number 5, since it does not exceed one number, and it will be better if it is in favor of the man. It should be remembered that the lines can strengthen the numbers if they are strong enough (now there should not be less than 5 numbers in one line, then the required number included in this line can be increased). As you can see, the number 5 has four lines that can be used to strengthen it. The only thing to remember is that the logic passed through strings will have an exact value (based on the value of the string that produced "5").

The number 6 is one of the most controversial and difficult numbers in this numerology system. Before writing down the characteristics of this number, I offer a few comments on its explanation. The first thing we can remember is the Revelation of St. John: “Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." Therefore, the number "666" is the number of the beast, or the number of Satan. It seems that we have entered the world of legends and fairy tales, where sorcerers and magicians, mermaids and devils live, but does this make sense? Yes, it is, and it is far from fiction. On Earth, as in the universe, there have always been various contrasts that oppressed and complemented each other: top-bottom, left-right, cold-hot, water-fire, good-evil, God-Satan... Various contrasts complemented each other like two sides of the Truth. It's simple, if there is a God, then there must be Satan, but what about the words of St. John: "The number is the number of MAN." Think about it: if they have the same power as it turns out, then why could God create the WORLD (and this is the reality we see. Another thing is that someone can not trust such a creation, and that is his right), but then why Satan how can the representative of the destructive force not destroy it? I believe that one should directly relate to the words of St. John: Satan (number 666) is the image of man and belongs to men. Having understood this, you can find a way to protect your loved ones from this sign if it appeared on Pythagoras Square.

If you look closely at the numbers, you can see that the shapes of numbers 6 and 9 are very similar, and this is not an excuse. Number 9 is responsible for a person's memory and his mind, which is always aimed at accumulating knowledge that helps a person survive. In this case, the number 6 should have kept the main meaning of the number 9 (mind, knowledge), but should have "turned" its goals, or rather: a person becomes forgetful of his loved ones, his mind works to accumulate knowledge that can help him advance to gaining authority in order to suppress, humiliate and finally destroy another person (don't mix in real murder, the person may be alive, but his personality will be completely destroyed). The collected knowledge allows him to influence another person, his psyche, health; there are ways to destroy people (up to murder). Such knowledge is called "black", and the people who possess it are called "magicians".

The number 7 in the square of Pythagoras indicates nature's interest in revealing its talents. I will explain. Let's imagine that Newton, the creator of the theory of mechanics, was born two hundred years later or earlier. The result would change the history of the Earth, because all physics, mechanics and other technical disciplines are based on these laws. At any moment in history, there is a need to reveal some natural laws. This need can be so necessary that people whose brains have such important current information are marked by Nature with special signs - the numbers 7 and 0. The number 0 gives a person a chance to succeed in some fields of knowledge, maybe even find. new laws At the same time, the number 7 means the following: a person received in his brain very important information for this historical period in the exact field of human knowledge. Nature protects him in all unexpected situations and accidents, which is interpreted as "happiness". The bigger the "7", the bigger the task a person has to complete.

The number 8 is one of the most important numbers that defines the entire Pythagorean square of a person, because its persistence or appearance there will determine many necessary qualities. This number is responsible for a sense of duty to relatives (parents, family), tolerance and benevolence - qualities that we should show to parents and loved ones.

Why exactly is "8" responsible for this quality? The explanation is very simple. Let's write a list of a person's closest relatives: father, mother, brother (or sister), wife, son, daughter, your wife's father, your wife's mother. There are eight people on the list, and you owe them all. Your parents are the most important here, we can't choose them, but they gave us life and we should be grateful. Tolerance... We probably talk about this quality every day. Many characterize it as humility and silence, but you should not replace one word with another. Tolerance is the ability to tolerate a person nearby, his habits, views, desires.

The number 9 in the square of Pythagoras is responsible for the mind, memory and clairvoyance of a person. Why this number? It follows the number 8, and its characteristic should be related to the value of this number. "8" is responsible for duty towards loved ones, especially parents. It is natural that people experience the death of parents, and that's when the number 9 comes. After the death of parents, the duty changes to a new quality - they must be remembered, so the number 9 is responsible for memory. When we talk about any person, about his abilities, as a rule, evaluating his memory, we conclude about his intelligence: "He knows so much, so he is smart." By accumulating experience, we can predict situations based on something similar in the past. Therefore, the better your memory, the better you can predict situations.

The first row of the psychomatrix determines the presence of purposefulness as a quality of a person's character. The value of purposefulness as a personal characteristic is difficult to overestimate, since it is this parameter that depends on the correspondence of our desires and capabilities. After all, it is not a matter of financial well-being, but of the strength of desire, the general mood to achieve the goal.

The second line in the psychomatrix diagram shows how strong a person's desire to create a family is, the desire to build a relationship system based on close interaction with the opposite sex. With a clear understanding of the importance of such a step. After all, the family is not just legalized sexual cohabitation, as one German philosopher exotically described, but a complex system that includes reproductive, economic, psychological, educational, creative functions and a large share of responsibility for loved ones.

The numbers that make up the third row of the psychomatrix are indicators of the stability of a person's character. That is, they describe the balance between usual habits and certain thinking, on the one hand, and the desire for change, on the other. Thus, the value of personal stability is the answer to the question of the reliability of this person in a particular situation.

The first column in the psychomatrix diagram is a numerical indicator of the level of self-esteem. Hardly any other parameter is more important in the context of a person's desire to realize his own potential. But if low self-esteem is only indecisiveness, self-doubt, and therefore eternal circling in circles, then unjustifiably overestimated capabilities can lead to fatal mistakes and cruel disappointments.

The numbers in the second column of the psychomatrix describe a person's physical health, level of endurance, degree of inclination to work and possession of practical skills, as well as the ability to think logically. Thus, the second column serves as an indicator of labor efficiency as a qualitative characteristic of a person's ability to achieve a certain social status, to ensure his well-being and the well-being of his family.

The third column of the psychomatrix diagram contains information about a person's talent. However, "talents should be helped...", people say, and the vast majority of people live their lives without ever discovering their talent, often without even suspecting its existence. Therefore, we can only talk about potential, the realization of which depends on all other personal qualities: diligence, purposefulness, sense of self-worth, etc.

The descending diagonal indicates the level of a person's spirituality. Do not confuse spirituality with religiosity. This quality has nothing to do with religious denominations, and it is completely alien to the exaltation of zealots of faith. The degree of unity of a person with Nature (Nus, God) is determined by firmness of convictions and clarity of perception, balanced principles and willingness to compromise, to accept a different perspective. Therefore, there is no clear gradation for this personality trait. Everything is very relative.

The ascending diagonal of the psychomatrix is an indicator of a person's temperament in terms of intimate, sexual relationships. And no matter what supporters of unions built on mutual respect and material well-being say, it is the degree of matching of temperaments that often becomes the main factor that determines the duration and quality of a marriage. Even a complete coincidence of the remaining parameters will not be enough in a situation where a woman constantly feels the need for intimacy, and a man, being ambitious, hardworking and talented, needs sex no more than once a week. No inclination to partner will help here.

Information source: victoriaandmore.wordpress.com; astronumerology.net; krainau.com; numeroscop.net