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Lo Shu Square. Detailed description

Image - Квадрат Ло Шу

The Lo Shu grid, also known as the magic square, is used to position the numbers in the order they appear in one's date of birth, and the outcome may be utilized to gain a very accurate knowledge of one's life and character. The top horizontal mind plane, the center horizontal section soul plane, and the lower horizontal practical plane make up this 3x3 magic square each with its own purpose.
The process of calculating the lo Shu grid is rather straightforward. All you have to do is analyze your whole birthday and put all of the digits together to arrive at a single digit at the end, Take into account psychic number and destiny namber.
Lo Shu Grid consists of 6 main planes which are divided into 2 parts: Horizontal Plane; Vertical Plane
Horizontal Plane in Lo Shu Grid
Mental Plane - The topmost plane which has 4,9 and 2 digits are called the MENTAL PLANE. It shows our thinking, imagination, creativity.
Emotional Plane - The plane which is in the middle which has 3,5 and 7 digits is called the EMOTIONAL PLANE. It reflects our feelings, intuition, and spirituality.
Practical Plane - The lowest plane which has 81 and 6 digits is called PRACTICAL PLANE. It refers to our physical labor, creativity, and other practical work
Vertical Plane in Lo Shu Grid
Thought Plane - Numbers 4, 3, and 8 come in the thought plane, it is called THOUGHT PLANE, it shows our thinking and reasoning power.
Will Plane - The numbers 9, 5, and 1 come in the middle plane, itis called WILL PLANE, it shows our willpower.
Action Plane - The numbers 2,7 and 6 come in the action plane, itis called ACTION PLANE, it shows our karmic power.