
Observation, Analysis, Forecasting ...


Determination of the location of the planets for a specific area

To observe a planet (celestial body), it is necessary to know whether it is visible from our latitude, when it rises and sets, and also how high it reaches above our horizon. In order to determine the position of the planet, it is necessary to know the position on the earth's surface (at least an approximate inhabited point), the date of observation, and the time zone.

The location of the planets in relation to the place of observation.

Image - planets in the sky
Viewpoint Search rules
Place of observation: Київ

Date: Sept. 28, 2024, 3:12 p.m.

You can choose a different viewing position by filling out the form below.

Sun: Azimuth: 222:15:55.0, Altitude: 28:53:04.0, Constellation: Діва (Virgo)

Mercury: Azimuth: 224:32:33.1, Altitude: 30:17:03.2, Constellation: Діва (Virgo)

Venus: Azimuth: 187:51:10.4, Altitude: 25:25:25.0, Constellation: Діва (Virgo)

Moon: Azimuth: 273:44:20.7, Altitude: 20:44:27.0, Constellation: Лев (Leo)

Mars: Azimuth: 304:47:04.5, Altitude: 2:34:43.5, Constellation: Близнюки (Gemini)

Jupiter: Azimuth: 323:56:49.1, Altitude: -9:25:43.1, Constellation: Телець (Taurus)

Saturn: Azimuth: 66:41:18.3, Altitude: -28:07:17.9, Constellation: Водолій (Aquarius)

Uranus: Azimuth: 346:45:30.3, Altitude: -19:21:45.4, Constellation: Телець (Taurus)

Neptune: Azimuth: 51:00:29.0, Altitude: -29:38:04.3, Constellation: Риби (Pisces)

Pluto: Azimuth: 111:47:38.2, Altitude: -12:27:53.3, Constellation: Козеріг (Capricornus)

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